These 30+ Alternative Therapies Create Positive Changes From Many Psychological Challenges
There are many ancient yogic science techniques to eliminate stress, emotional blockages, overcome failures, improve health, gain confidence, enhance productivity, excel in creativity, exhibit success, etc… Some of them are listed below.
01. Spiritual Counselling
Spiritual counselling utilizes both traditional psychological theories as well as various spiritual tools to support the individual’s journey.
The word spirit means ‘the immaterial intelligence or wisdom part of a person.’ It is the inner teacher and wisdom that resides within each living being. It is an unlimited potential source that guides us and provides essence to our life.
Spiritual counselling taps into this inner wisdom to assist people in dealing with issues that do not serve them effectively and prevent them from living a joyful, fulfilling life.
Spiritual counseling aims to increase a person’s wellbeing by working through with core issues when dealing in areas of shame, guilt, depression, fears, defenses, traumas, stress, sub-personalities and addictions so that an individual can reconnect with their authentic self.
02. Holistic Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy is a powerful alternative healing technique to realign, redesign and reprogram our life.
Our life is a creation of our past learnings, feelings and experiences. These activities are a systematic learning done by mind through senses. And all these learning are carved in our mind and are used as an action or reaction in our day to day life.
Our behavior, attitude, character, communication, habits, expression etc. are developed over time by our own mind. These learnings are the base of our current and future life.
03. Emotional Cleansing
Our journey is based on emotions. The expression of these emotions could be positive or negative. They produce different physiological, behavioral and rational changes. They have been instilled and programmed in us right from our womb state, as a matter of fact, way beyond many life cycles. They can be complex in nature and involve a variety of physical and mental responses to a situation / circumstance. Based on this hard-wired programming we tend to exhibit emotions that can be measured by the facial expressions, body language, breathing pattern and brain activity.
We carry loads of negative and fearful emotions with us which obstruct our path of success and good health. Emotional Cleansing Process emphasizes on helping the person to release all the accumulated negative emotions, clearing the psyche baggage and creating space to re-create the desired life.
04. Creative Visualization
Thought is energy. Especially when a thought exhibits pure focus and intense feelings, its energy field expands and brings fulfilment in the outer reality.
Create your Life. Yes, it is absolutely achievable through the wonderful technology of Creative Visualization. The Inner reality is the basis of Outer creation.
Creative Visualization is an art which uses the tool of imagination with involvement of deep feelings in repetition mode to produce the desired positive changes in your life. It is a technique involving the Mind that works with creating a mind movie and helps in the manifestation of your goals. It is used in the various aspects of life to create the required health, success, prosperity, happiness, joy and abundance particularly to improve performance, achieve goals, attract a soulmate, excel in interviews, get the Visa stamped, attain promotions, strengthen the immune system, improve relationships and so on.
05. Affirmations Therapy
Affirmations are positive words, statements, suggestions, declarations that can help you to diffuse and overcome self-destructive thoughts. These affirmations or suggestions also express a desired habit, condition or objective. Affirmations are very useful for building new habits, improving yourself, your life and for achieving success.
Similar to how repetitive tasks improve your physical health, these positive repetitions can rewire your thinking patterns so that over time you begin to think and behave differently, and there is a lot of neuroscience research that proves this.
06. Stress Releasing Therapy
In today’s phase, stress has become a part of our lifestyle. When you are in a state of stress or tension, you will not able to give your 100% to your work, hence you tend to lose your efficiency, time management becomes critical and creativity drops. Over a period of time, the body also starts to show some discomforts / disorders.
In order to effectively re-work on bringing back the stability, creativity and balance in life, you need to work on relaxing-rebalancing your body, mind and emotions. A unique combination of effective deep breathing techniques along with healing meditations, body scanning, mindfulness techniques and relaxations, you can achieve a state of outright relaxation.
07. Forgiveness Therapy
Life is a combination of ups and downs. You come across people or situations that are criticizing and unpleasant, because of which you tend to hold a lot of negative feelings like anger, frustration, betrayal, pain, revenge and so on. This leads to extra baggage in your system and becomes an obstacle in your path of success. These negative feelings develop into blockages which hinder the path of your success. In the path of your life, you notice that whatever you do is not yielding success.
Instead of spending a lot of your bio-energy thinking about the negative aspects of your life, carrying them further and allowing them to turn themselves into diseases; you make a sincere effort to understand, detach and move forward.
When a situation is created where you can understand and accept these hindrances through the process of Forgiveness therapy in your own mind, you can see tremendous improvements in your life.
08. Gratitude Therapy
Gratitude is one of the noblest expressions you can exhibit. It resonates with a very high positive energy. When you offer gratefulness for anything it makes you become more aware of the positive things in your life.
By practicing awareness of the positive things in life, you can fight off the brain’s natural tendency to scan and spot the negatives. By being grateful or just by the expression of it you can experience increased energy, positivity and empathy. The feeling of gratefulness is a positive emotion for which your heart needs to be open and receptive. When you are grateful or thankful for something then you have accepted its existence. Then this acceptance energy starts circulating around and within you.
09. Relaxation Therapy
We have connected to stress-energy as if it is inevitable in our life. From a child to an adult, everybody is experiencing stress in one or the other way. In each and every aspect, in each and every thought, situation, discussion is contributing to stress in a different level. Patience to reach success is now a forgotten story. It has now been replaced by “More the stress, the more definite is the success”.
Each one of us likes to have a relaxed and peaceful mind. According to the study, a relaxed mind is the base for all creative ideas and healthy life. This relaxed mind gives more space to accommodate multi-dimensional thinking. With a calm, serene mind, our body gets sufficient rejuvenation, the required hormones get secreted, brain activities, neuron activities, gland secretions, nerve relaxations, organs health and internal communication takes place naturally, also emotional turbulence, anxiety, irritation, frustration will subside.
Relaxation is not sleep. It is a state of awareness with less thoughts and a composed body. A relaxation technique is a process or method to help a person relax, achieve calmness, lightness in the body, reduce anxiety levels, lower the intensity of pains and releasing stress and anger thereby bringing peace of mind.
10. Goal Setting
Goal setting is important for everyone who wants to improve their life. Setting goals helps you remain accountable for things you want to achieve.
Goal setting is crucial for those undergoing counseling and therapy. Goal setting acts as a road-map for you to overcome challenges and achieve great things in life.
Setting goals can be conducive in multiple areas of life. Goals can help you face emotional and behavioral difficulties, reconnect with old friends, help you look for a new job or even help you to save money for a vacation. Goals are there to help us traverse through our life, be it for achieving peak performance, success in life, replacing old negative habits and strengthening relationships.
11. Progression Therapy
Future Life Progression or Progression Therapy can also be referred to as awakened dream therapy. In this process, one experiences a deep yet alert state of relaxation, that opens the mind to travel forward to take a glimpse of your future.
It takes you forward in time to the future days of your life where you can explore the possibilities that extend from your own creation, the paths you choose to examine, make the required corrections if any, make contact with your future self and be gifted with the knowledge you need to create your best future. You can bring back this knowledge, the answers you received about your current life and know exactly what steps to take to move forward.
Progression is a guided therapy that enables your energy to align to the correct vibrational frequency to preview your future and bring about the best that is in store for you.
Progression therapy can also take you on a journey into next life or future lives that can provide you with a wealth of insight and knowledge.
This therapy can help you to find answers in many areas of life including health, wealth and also setting your goals. You can travel forward to make decisions that are right for you, to remove personal blocks and obstacles, to make better choices and help you explore alternative life paths which will enable you to see decisions which are important to make, lessons which need to be learned, ideas worth pursuing, opportunities available and what you need to do to ensure these opportunities come to fulfilment.
12. Regression Therapy
Life is a projection of our past experiences and feelings. Mind is the carrier of all the information, emotional stains of the past days of our life. Some of these memories which are negative in nature tend to become the blockages of our present, thus creating challenges for our future.
Passed life is past life. Regression therapy works with uncovering, healing and releasing these hidden memories, recurring patterns, expressions of the past; some of which maybe below the level of our conscious awareness. Past Life Regression Therapy helps in finding the conflicts from the past that have been disturbing our mental, emotional and physical well-being and resolves it by identifying the root cause of the problem and releasing the same by re-experiencing and re-living those instances in the subconscious level.
An example from the current life may be a chronic pain, post-traumatic stress from womb, infancy or childhood trauma, or a life-threatening incident. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, suppressed feelings, self-harm, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems. Past Life Regression Therapy works by going to the root of the problem, transforming it in a way that is both safe and structured and heals at the deeper levels of self.
Regression therapy allows an individual to go back in the memory path to an event or a situation; often some old wounds, circumstances or misperceptions have been embedded in the subconscious for very long time; that they become deeply and unconsciously rooted. You then have a very little or no idea why you react to situations and relationships in the way you do.
13. Current Life Regression
Current Life Regression is conducted when the root of the issue is found to have occurred in the previous days of the present life. It could be in adulthood, teenage days, school days, childhood stage or in infancy. Using various techniques / tools, one undergoes a light to medium state of relaxation (trance state) and goes through the memory lane of the past days of where the root of the issue is stored.
Sometimes, the memories are afresh or they are searched deep down for the forgotten or suppressed memories which are identified as the source or the root of the current issue. Once the root is identified, it is then released through the process of understanding, healing and transformation. The release of the attachment of that experience or event in a secure and efficient manner in the subconscious level helps you to empower and take charge and move on with your life.
14. Age Regression
Age Regression is a part of current life regression where you are regressed through the age cycle in order to understand the source or the root of any particular issue that is being faced currently. Once the root is identified, it is then released through the process of understanding, healing and transformation.
15. Womb Regression
Womb Regression is a continuation of Current Life Regression. The time spent in the mother’s womb in pregnancy is imperative. Exploring this deeply through regression therapy can be very beneficial and healing. You can recall the emotions that your mother was feeling during her pregnancy; the place where you were in (Womb), the temperature around you, the feeling of security or isolation, the sound of mother’s heartbeat, the presence of your father or other family members. This experience can bring about some answers, healings and understandings of certain blockages of your present situations.
Based on the multiple cases that have been observed at our centre and during our workshops it is noted that the developing embryo absorbs and exhibits the memory, emotions of all that it experiences in its mother’s womb.
After an individual experiences a regression session, it is noted in most of the cases that the life transforms into a better path. Womb memories, emotions and any birth-related traumas or pre-birth sufferings can be catered in this regression session. Many of our personalities, physical, emotional patterns and issues can be traced to experiences that we had while in the mother’s womb and also during the process of birth.
Many emotional and physical issues such as the feelings of loss, betrayal, rejection, loneliness, isolation, grief, extreme anger, pains, relationship issues, separation anxiety, panic attacks, depression, claustrophobia, obsession, asthma, headaches, sinus problems and many others can be traced back to the traumas happened during birth and pre-birth times.
16. Past Life Regression
Within each of us, it appears to reside, the events of past life/ lives and some experiences to be relived. A migraine, asthma, fear, phobia, chronic pain may be pointing to information of old event, accident, negative experience or wound. Chronic asthma may be derived from drowning, suffocation, panic attacks or strangling.
As the soul returns to life over and over, these traumatic memories are re-created in our current life often making little sense and keeping us away from living a peaceful life. They are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, failures, nightmares and unexplainable physical pain.
Past life regression allows us to see beyond confusions and illusions of this life and brings healing of the past life that resonates into our present life.
Every individual experiences a regression therapy session in their own way. You feel completely relaxed and aware of everything that is happening during the Past Life Regression session. You will not only see the images, but the experiences will reflect through one or many of the senses; visual, auditory, kinesthetic or just the feeling of Knowing.
The regression sessions enables you to overcome many repetitive controlling patterns and negative issues that maybe obstructing the progress and growth in your current life. This will also help in creating well-being, balance, completion, peace and harmony and open doors for many positive possibilities.
17. Life Between Life
Life-Between-Life is a part of past life regression that connects you to your soul awareness and soul journey. It is that timeframe of experiences of a soul between the departed life and the next life to see and understand life in a bird view, as there is no attachment of a physical body of any lifetime.
When one is guided into this state of awareness between lifetimes, one gets a feeling of liberation, understand the illusionary expressions of life, gain clarity for the vivid emotional turbulences, gain opportunities for learning, healing, cleansing and tracing the threads of one’s soul history, experiences and lessons of life and also connect with the soul guides, soulmates, soul groups and masters for better understanding the journey of life. The outcome of this therapy helps one to remember the path and purpose in the current life thereby leading to a shift in consciousness.
This type of therapy is more comprehensive and allows you to continue the rest of your current life with renewed energy, strength, courage, and awareness.
Life Between Lives Therapy reminds us that we are spiritual beings in human form.
18. Karmic Cleansing
Karma is the process of cause and effect associated with Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors (Physical, Mental, Emotional). It is a memory (seed), neither good nor bad, operates on Universal Law, very impersonal and it applies to everyone without exception at all times. The totality of a person’s actions in the current and previous life forms decides their destiny in future existences.
Karma refers to any act or deed. It is the principle of cause and effect, a consequence, or KARMAPHALA (“fruit of action”) or UTTARAPHALA (“after effect”).
According to the Upanishads, the law of Karma states –“As you sow, so shall you reap”- “YadbhavamTadbhavathi”.
Understanding Karma is an important step in our Spiritual Advancement. Reincarnation and Karma are inter-related. During this Karmic cleansing therapy process, one is guided into a deep state of relaxation where the different karmic blockages and patterns are understood, healed and cleansed.
A significant action to transform Karma to Dharma; Dharma to Realisation; Realisation to Liberation is carried out through the process of Acceptance — Forgiveness — Gratitude. Once the stains are cleansed, the further journey is filled with awareness, consciousness and clarity.
19. Soul Healing
We are soul first, before we are our mind or body. Soul is the carrier of messages.
The karmic layer that envelope the soul majorly influences the mind and gets expressed on the body. In the soul healing session, we use the Soul power to cleanse, heal these karmic blockages of the past which is the cause for your current sorrows.
20. Negative Energy Removal
Entities (Ghosts) / Negative Energy are human spirits that have not crossed over into their rightful place and are dwelling in-between the two realms; the physical world and energy world. The reason being, the death due to a traumatic event such as suicide or accident, sudden death without the realization that they don’t have physical body anymore, confusion at the time of death, the loved ones are emotionally troubled that they won’t let go of the person passed, the spirit emotionally connected to the loved ones or to a place or thing or due to unfinished business or injustice done to them.
When an entity attacks a person it is called a psychic attack. A psychic attack is a disruption of the energy body or the auric body (aura) of a person. To be under psychic attack means that a negative energy is programmed to penetrate the aura in order to cause damage. Once the aura is penetrated the negative energy can cause physical and emotional harm.
Negative energy removal therapy deals with identifying the spirit if any, understanding its reason of association, addressing the reason effectively and releasing the energy attached. Once freed from this association, one feels in control of their self and is able to move forward in the path of their life.
21. Holistic Healing
As the world is evolving, we are also heading towards many unknown psychosomatic problems. These psychosomatic problems are completely invisible, but thoroughly effecting our life in all aspects. We carry frustration, irritation, pain, suffocation, confusion, relationship problems, stress, trauma, tension all the time which is directly affecting our daily life. Holistic healing process is a comprehensive healing modality that provides an answer to these challenging issues. Healing is a completely natural and effortless process. It is an Internal Technology. Healing is a transformation of the negative state to the positive state. It is a flow of Bio-energy (Cosmic) between the healer and the recipient that deals with the “dis-ease “at its deepest level. It is about bringing any imbalance into alignment with its natural state of functioning.
Everything in our system (body-mind-emotion) has blueprint (functioning process). This helps in keeping our system balanced. Due to certain conditions / situations; an imbalance in the overall functioning of the system is created. Therefore, one is in search of solutions to get back the rhythm / balance into their life. The process of rebalancing the system can be associated with healing.
Holistic healing is a process of healing that integrates the entire system ie. Body, Mind, Emotions, Thoughts, Breath as one, for the overall health and wellness. Here, we understand that the root cause of a physical illness may, in fact, be non-physical. Therefore, a holistic approach in healing is considered to be more effective as change occurs on all levels. The result of this leads to imprinting the positive changes on a long-term basis and improves a person’s overall quality of life.
22. Energy Healing
Energy is invisible power. Energy is the ability to do work. It is expressed through characteristics or behavior of matter. As it is rightly said, “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another”.
Energy gives life to everything on Earth, it is in every atom/molecule and expresses itself through vibrations and it flows both in living and non-living. Energy is in every Cell and every human being is a Micro-Cosmos within oneself. Every human being is the universe of cells with his own individual intelligence in the form of energy. On earth, everything is made-up of Five Elements and Energy flows through it.
Spiritual research from Aadi-yogi’s has shown us that, problems in our lives have their roots in the Spiritual dimension. Energy healing (Spiritual Healing) is enhancing energy flow and transforming disturbances and blockages in the “Human Energy Field”, which permeates and surrounds the body.
Energy healing or Quantum Energy Medicine is an emerging form of complementary and alternative medicine. Improving the flow of energy in the energy field supports the self-healing capacity of our system to heal Body-Mind-Emotions. These healing techniques are ancient wisdom.
23. Chakra Healing
Chakras are the energy centers which transmit the vital force (universal energy) to our system (body-mind-emotional layers) through Nadis (energy channels). The Chakras are in etheric body, not physical in nature; expression of consciousness.
Chakras have a direct impact on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of an individual. Within our bodies we have 7 of these major energy centers and many more minor ones.Energy blockages and inactiveness in these centers (Chakras) would cause imbalances in overall health. There are several reasons for blockages in Chakras such as negative emotions, fears, bad lifestyle and other critical habits.
Chakra Healing is a unique process to keep our energy channels active and balanced. This ancient therapy helps to receive the required Divine Energy to heal energy blockages in Chakras, Nadis and Aura.
This healing session is designed to cleanse, heal and activate chakras; also initiating the goals to manifest Health-Wealth-Success and Spiritual growth.
24. Yoganidra Therapy
Sleep is a wonderful state where healing happens naturally. Deep sleep allows the body to heal and regenerate. One who experiences deep sleep remains healthy always. But our regular sleep may be imbalanced due to stress oriented lifestyle. Hence, it impacts on the well-being of our entire system, resulting in “Dis-ease”.
Yoganidra is a practice of creating yogic sleep. It is also known as dynamic or psychic sleep. It is a state of complete awareness in between wakefulness and sleep. Yoganidra is an extraordinary healing modality which balances and relaxes body, mind and soul energy easily. The healing benefit of Yoganidra is immense. It has been said that one hour of Yoganidra is the equivalent to four hours of deep sleep.
When you undergo Yoganidra healing session, you are guided into deep-rooted repressed memories that are deep down in the subconscious mind and creating blockages in your life. In this state of deep relaxation, the brain becomes more open and flexible. Past traumas / hindrances can be forgotten, healed and transformed here.
Research shows that people with imbalanced and addictive tendencies have low activity in the area of the brain that regulates interoceptive awareness― our ability to recognize and understand sensations in our bodies. Yoganidra heals and regulates this part of the brain and helps to change unwanted behaviors and reclaim your life.
25. Salt Healing
Nature provides remedies in simplest forms to enrich our life. Sometimes the simplest things can exhibit immense power. Let us take an example of salt for instance; it is a very simple and meek compound that is most essentially used to prepare and preserve food. Saltwater healing has been also used from ages to help respiratory disorders, congestion, throat infections and toothaches.
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” — Isak Dinesen
In continuation to the above saying, salt exhibits a property of healing and cleansing. Salt is considered as a great neutralizer, can help toheal, cleanse energies by repelling negativity.
Everything is energy and surrounded by energy. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings are also forms of energy. During the salt healing process, we use a tub of salt water to cleanse, heal the unwanted thought-forms of energies as salt acts a conducting agent to draw all the negative vibrations of energy thereby allowing the pure form of energy to circulate in the system.
26. Aura Energising
As we all know, Prana is the Universal principle of Energy. Prana is the essence that bonds the Body, the Mind and the Soul. It is the amalgamation of all energy that is manifested in the universe. Prana is the collective force of all latent forces which are hidden in human being and which lie everywhere around us. It is a vital force.
Breath is an external manifestation of Prana. Prana Energy flows abundantly all the time, works with your resources and heals naturally, frees your natural resources to work in the most effective way for you.
27. Breath Healing
We are a combination of Masculine and Feminine energy. This Shiva and Shakti energies (Yin and Yang) exists within each and every one of us. Both of these energies are balancing our life in all aspects, but can easily fall out of balance because of various influences.
The Masculine energy (Shiva) when in balance reflects discipline, protection, planning, structure, control, clarity, integration, financial stability, vision and foundation. The Feminine energy (Shakti) reflects emotional expressions, pleasure, feelings, acceptance, body awareness, dreams, intuitions, bliss, sensations and receptivity when in balance.
The imbalance in these energies creates stress, tension, emotional outbursts, anxiety, disturbances, loneliness, ill-health, fears, disorders, negative thinking, failures, confusion and insomnia.
Hence, the balance in these energies is the foremost requirement to lead a healthy and happy life. During the process of energy balancing, these imbalances are brought to equilibrium thus harnessing the strength and vitality of one’s life base.
28. Energy Balancing
Karma is the process of cause and effect associated with Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors (Physical, Mental, Emotional). It is a memory (seed), neither good nor bad, operates on Universal Law, very impersonal and it applies to everyone without exception at all times. The totality of a person’s actions in the current and previous life forms decides their destiny in future existences.
Karma refers to any act or deed. It is the principle of cause and effect, a consequence, or KARMAPHALA (“fruit of action”) or UTTARAPHALA (“after effect”).
According to the Upanishads, the law of Karma states –“As you sow, so shall you reap”- “YadbhavamTadbhavathi”.
Understanding Karma is an important step in our Spiritual Advancement. Reincarnation and Karma are inter-related. During this Karmic cleansing therapy process, one is guided into a deep state of relaxation where the different karmic blockages and patterns are understood, healed and cleansed.
A significant action to transform Karma to Dharma; Dharma to Realisation; Realisation to Liberation is carried out through the process of Acceptance — Forgiveness — Gratitude. Once the stains are cleansed, the further journey is filled with awareness, consciousness and clarity.
29. Cell / DNA Healing
DNA defines our life. The Cell Memory or Cellular Memory as it is rightly called is the main blueprint of our existence. Each and every cell contains the entire information of oneself. We are nothing but a combination of trillions of cells which is a galaxy of information energy. Imagine the vastness of the information that is replicated in each of these cells. Whatever we experience in our life gets imprinted into the memories of the cell. This collective field of energy can be termed as Cellular Memory. This forms the base of our behavior, thoughts and feelings. We unknowingly operate our life from this stored information.
Cell / DNA healing works at a very subtle level of the energy field to cleanse, heal and rewrite the stored information to the desired energy forms through accessing and transforming the emotional toxicity and allowing the individual to regain a state of balance in wholeness.
30. Distant Healing
Cosmic Energy flows abundantly all the time, works with your resources and heals naturally. This cosmic energy frees the natural resources to work in the most effective way for you.
Using this energy, distant healing or remote healing or cosmic prayer is practiced. It is a technique for sending the required energy (healing) to another person who is unwell or in need of this healing energy stationed nearby or miles away.
We are comprised of energy vibrating at different speeds. Our body, mind, thoughts, emotions, breath all vibrate at a particular frequency or speed. These energy vibrations create a field around them referred to as the energy field or aura. The aura is a communication channel set to a particular frequency which receives and transmits messages / information from the external and internal environment.
The healer thus invokes the blessings of the master / cosmos and requests for the divine healing energy, reprogram the energy as per the requirement and radiate it to the seeker, who in turn receives divine healing energy through the auric field into the energy field of self.
Distant Healing is applied on someone who needs continuous healing on a daily basis but cannot visit a Healing Centre every day for the same.
Distant healing or remote healing can be carried out for various aspects in life like pains, troubled relationships, improvising health, emotional problems, mental problems, financial blockages and so on….
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